Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sugar Scrubs

This past weekend was full of holiday cheer!  I attended a Martini and Mashed Potato party for the moms in my daughter's second grade class.  It was given by two of the loveliest moms I know, and I wanted to bring them something special for organizing such a wonderful event.  The party was absolutely amazing!  Hopefully they enjoyed some pampering after our night of martinis, in the form of this lovely sugar scrub that I found on Pinterest.  Click here.

Basically, here's the low down.  One part coconut oil to two parts sugar.  Melt your coconut oil in a saucepan over low heat.  Remove from heat and add stir in sugar.  Then add your essential oils to your liking.   I used grapefruit because I love the smell, but I think the peppermint would also work well, epecially for Christmas gifts! I also used just a few drops (like two) of red food coloring. Just enough to give it a gentle pink hue, but not enough to stain anything.

I put the scrub in some cute mason jars, and took it upon myself to jazz it up.  Here's the finished product!


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