Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Not Your Momma's Brussel Sprouts

I was the exception to the rule when it came to vegetables growing up.  I loved them.  I ate my green beans, broccoli, and salad without any fuss, and even helped my dad in his vegetable garden.  I was known for picking cherry tomatoes right off the vine and popping them in my mouth.  But if you put brussel sprouts in front of me, I would not touch them.  I don't know if they were frozen or canned, but the way they were prepared just sucked (love you, Mom!).  All I saw were dull green, bitter, soggy balls of disgustingness.  I made it my life mission to avoid them.  Once I finally won at the game of "sit there until they're gone" (I think it was three hours before they caved), I made it my life mission to never eat them again.

Several years after I was married, a chef friend had us over for Christmas.  He prepared a beautiful duck with a side of brussel sprouts.  Oh, the horror!!  I had to eat it, of course.  I dreaded putting it in my mouth.  But I did....and quite possibly, it was the best thing I ever ate in my life.  My eyes were now open to what brussel sprouts could be!

I was determined not to let my children waste 30 years of their lives hating brussel sprouts.  Here's my fail proof recipe to make brussel sprouts one of your favorite veggies.  All three of my kids gobble them up!

Not Your Momma's Brussel Sprouts

1 lb brussel sprouts, shredded
1 garlic clove, minced
5-6 slices of bacon, chopped
1/3 cup chicken broth

Brown bacon in large skilet until crispy.  Add garlic and let cook 1 minute.  Add shredded brussel sprouts.  Saute over medium heat until some pieces begin to brown, about 5 minutes.  Add 1/3 cup chicken broth to deglaze the pan, sturring up all the brown bits on the bottom of the pan.  Cover and let simmer of low heat for 5 munutes, or until just tender.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

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