Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sophisticated Snowflakes

When we bought our house five years ago, I had our Christmas decorations all planned out before the contract was even signed.  As I love to decorate and be creative, my plan was pretty extensive.  In my mind's eye, upon walking into my house, one would be transported into a Christmas wonderland.  I certainly enjoyed the process, and I made most of my choices well.  A few years in, however, my overzealousness for decorating has resulted in some logistical nightmares.  The tree I insisted on putting in our family room (because the fancy one was in living room) resulted in a month of picking up broken ornaments as the dog's wagging tail hit the branches, and swear words as we all tripped over it while trying to get out the back door.  Finally, a few years ago, I moved the family tree in the living room, and the fancy tree in the dining room, pretty much leaving my family room devoid of Christmas cheer.  I was more than a little miffed at the situation (issues, I know!), but having already spent a ton on decorations, and running out of room to store them, I wasn't about to go buy more stuff.

My frustration with my decorations was severly hindering my Christmas spirit.  And this year, I decided that I was permitted to allow my creative juices to flow.

I had seen several snowflakes made out of popsicle sticks on the internet.  I thought it was an interesting idea, but they looked like, well, they were made from popsicle sticks.  I decided I had to try and make them for my front windows, as none of my trees are visible from the street (irksome).  But they needed an air of sophistication to match my fancy dining room tree!  Here is what I came up with.

popsicle sticks
jumbo popsicle sticks
metallic gold spray paint
adhesive spray
gold ribbon, two sizes (thin and thick to match the width of the sticks)
clear suction cups (I got both medium and large)
glue gun

I found all of the above at my local Hobby Lobby, with the exception of the spray paint and suction cups, which I got at Home Depot.  All I did was heat up the hot glue gun, and made some snowflakes.  Not brain surgery.  I used regular popsicle sticks for the smaller ones, and the jumbo sticks for the large ones.  I felt that this provided the visual variety I was looking for.

After I had made a bunch of snowflakes, I spray painted them on both sides with the gold spray paint.  After that dried, I sprayed some adhesive on, and sprinkled them with glitter.  I did this on both sides, since I figured the mailman and fedex guy would also enjoy the sparkle from the outside.  Once that was dry (the dog only ate one), they came back inside and I used the glue gun to embellish on both sides with some gems.  I was sure to glue on a ribbon to hang them.  Using the suction cups, I hung them from both my dining room and living room windows.  Ta-da!  Eat your heart out, UPS man!


Oh, and as a side note, while I was at Hobby Lobby, they were having a 50% off sale, which of course was fate telling me to figure out my family room problem.  So, storage be damned,  I bought a couple (ok, five) pencil trees and some snow.  I decorated them with some red and gold ornaments from our old house that had been in storage (see Ken, we do use it all!).  No one is tripping over anything, and our family room is dripping gushing with holiday cheer.  Hooray!  Christmas is saved!

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