Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Homemade Egg Drop Soup

There's nothing like homemade chicken stock.  It conjours up images of my grandmother's kitchen, where nothing was ever from a box and the bacon grease jar under the kitchen sink was used daily.  One of my fondest memories is the soup my grandma made me one day after school.  Homemade broth with acini de pepe pasta and some bibb lettuce floating on top.  I was blown away by it's simplicity and deliciousness.  I've made it plenty of times, but it's just not the same as that day, sitting in her simple kitchen, sun streaming through the window, completely satisfied with life.

These days I opt for boxed stock, mostly because there's never enough room in my freezer for making my own.  In an attempt to reduce sodium and processed foods in my life, I thought stock was a good place to start.  I use it frequently, and you never really know what you're getting with the boxed stuff.  Also, I needed to clean out my freezer!

I usually use Barefoot Contessa's Chicken Stock recipe, with a few alterations.  I use whatever herbs I have on hand, and I usually use whatever chicken pieces I have in the freezer that I want to use up.  But this is a great place to start if you've never made stock before.  

Armed with my quart containers full of beautiful stock, the first thing needed is a simple soup echoing the simplicity of my grandma.  Something where the true homemade goodness shines through.  That's where this egg drop soup comes in!

Egg Drop Soup

4 cups chicken stock (preferably homemade, but your favorite store brand will also work)
4 egg whites, whisked with a fork 
4 scallions, chopped, white and light green parts only
salt and white pepper to taste

Bring the stock to a gentle boil in a sauce pan over medium heat.  As you slowly stir the broth, add the egg whites slowly.  The egg will cook, forming ribbons.  Add chopped scallions, season to your taste with salt and white pepper.  Enjoy!

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