Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Resolve to be Resolute

I'm refusing to make a New Year's Resolution this year.  Flat out refusing.  Oh sure, I'm on the bandwagon that everyone is on after the holidays...let's organize!  let's exercise!  let's eat healthy!  There's just something about this time of year where hope springs eternal, everything is a new beginning, and the possibilities for success are limitness.  And then I eat a brownie.  And it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

This year I am not putting myself through that.  I'm instead making some real, honest-to-goodness goals that are actually possible to acheive.  And they all have an overarching theme.  Be better to myself.  That's it.  Not be pefect, not be a size 0, not only eat pine nuts and tofu.  Just be better in the things I do for myself and my family.  Here's a breakdown of my goals for 2013.

1.  Get my nutrition in order.  Yes, I need to lose 10 pounds (and then 10 more).  I don't eat anything all day, and then I eat a ton for dinner, and half a bag of doritos at 11 pm.  And then I just feel like crap. It's gotta stop.  I'm a great cook, I make awesome things.  I just need to put a little more effort in the things I put in my body, and the way that I do it.

2.  Get moving.  I need to exercise more.  But instead of making some insane workout plan that is impossible to stick to, my only requirement is that I do SOME movement a few times a week.

3. Get my life in order.  There's paperwork everywhere.  There's recipes everywhere.  There's cookbooks everywhere.  There's craft stuff everywhere. There's every piece of paper that ever came home from school everywhere.  I need to declutter and get it together.  There's this closet....Ken says it looks like an episode of Hoarders.  It does.  But I don't need to organize my life all at once or not at all.  So I'm devising a plan to tackle it a little at a time.  No pressure.

4.  Make more time for myself.  This little blog has been fun for the past several weeks.  I find myself forcing time to make crafts or write down that recipe that I've always made, just for the benefit of all three of you who read this.  I think this is a good thing.  I feel more creative, more energized, more inspired.  The best part is, when I'm being creative and enjoying myself, my kids and husband are too.  Imagine that!

Most of all, I need to cut myself a break!  Instead of throwing it all away once I make a mistake, I will brush myself off and just move forward.  I will be resolute in just trying to be better.  After all,  I will clean out the hoarders closet and then two weeks later shove a whole bunch of stuff back in it before someone comes over.  (It's true.)  And I will most definitely eat a brownie. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there I stumble upon your blog when I was searching for ice cream recipes to use with my vitamix, which I love love love too!
    Your goals sound reasonable, hey you have to start somewhere. I too need to start sorting my sewing room and I've been procrastinating for weeks and.... now that it's spring I have the excuse of needing to spruce up outside, awesome.
    Now to go try some ice cream, mmmmm, thanks!


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