Sunday, November 25, 2012

Creamy Chicken Florentine

Usually, the weekend after Thanksgiving is a blur of me trying to put up all the Christmas decorations.  Each of the girls get their own tree, there's one in the dining room, one in the lving room, and even one in the playroom!  In past years, I have stressed myself out trying to get everything up and out of the way.  I end up in such a hurry that no one else really gets to participate. Feed yourselves, people, I'm busy! The perfectionist in me demands that everything look a certain way, which usually means I am dictating orders to everyone else.  After a little self-examination, I decided to slow things down a bit and add back in the fun.

I've never wanted a real tree.  It seemed like such a hassle!  Sap, needles, it not being a perfect triangle.....(I have issues, I know!).  This year, in my quest to bring back the magic to Christmas, I decided to completely change it up.  We went to a farm to cut down our own tree!  Ken raised his eyebrows at me, thinking I was not going to be able to handle the spontaneity.  The day was beautiful, with crisp air and bright sun.  It did take a little while to find one that met my qualifications, but I think we did alright!  Afterwards, we enjoyed an apple donut and hot apple cider.  Oh what fun!!  We may have started a new tradition. 

Upon arriving home, we were chilled to the bone, and needed something quick, creamy and warm to fill our bellies.  After scouring the fridge, here is what I made.


1 medium onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
5 oz fresh baby spinich
3 cups chicken broth
8 oz cream cheese
4 cups cooked chicken, cubed
1 T cornstarch
1 T olive oil
1 lb bowtie pasta
Parmesan cheese

Cook pasta according to package directions.

Meanwhile, in large saute pan, saute onion in olive oil over medium heat until translucent, 5 to 7 minutes.  Add garlic, cook 1 minute more.  Add spinach, cook 2-3 minutes until spinach has wilted.  Add chicken, and stir to combine.  Add chicken broth, heat until just to a boil. 

In a small bowl, wisk together cornstarch with a few tablespoons of the hot broth from the pan until their are no lumps.  Wisk into the pan, stirring until the broth thickens.  Reduce heat to low.  Cut cream cheese into chunks and wisk into the pan, until sauce is nice a creamy.  Heat through.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

When pasta is done, add directly to pan and combine.  Top with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.  Serves 6.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer ! This is terrific ! Congrats ! So fun to look at your blog :-) !!!


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