Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Vitamix New York Cheesecake Ice Cream

I finally got my long awaited Vitamix for Christmas.  I have been drooling over it forever.  But they are pretty expensive, and I could never justify it.  And this is coming from someone who seriously has every single small appliance known to man (beef jerky from my dehydrator, anyone? no? how about a quesadilla from my quesadilla maker? mini pies? panini? how about some homemade pasta?).  I guess Ken knew that I would never buy it for myself, so he got it for me, along with XBOX 360 Kinect Nike Fitness (what are you trying to tell me, Ken?!?).

I sat in awe as I watched Michael Symon run through the paces of the wonder that is Vitamix.  But my jaw hit the floor when we were in the frozen dessert segment.  You mean I could make delicious frozen treats in minutes?!?!  I looked around at my family, who was also watching the video.  They sat with their mouths open, eyes darting back and forth from Michael Symon to me, wondering why on Earth I was still sitting there.  Finally, Caroline spoke up, "Mom!  You gotta make that! Like now!  Please!"  Minutes later we were enjoying delicious orange sorbet as we watched Michael make some salsa.

And so my love affair began.  Every morning I make the girls and I a wholesome smoothie.  They contain spinach and wheat germ, fruit, greek yogurt, and a touch of honey.  The girls love them and they are a great way to start the day.  The smoothie plus a homemade granola bar, and we have officially abandoned frozen waffles and sugary cereals.

But it's the desserts that have won my heart.  Every night the girls gobble up their dinners and ask, "What concoction are you making tonight, Mama?" Meyer lemon-honey sorbet!  Mango sherbert!  Black cherry sherbert! Grapefruit sorbet!  Every night, I am literally licking the blender clean.  It's the way that the Vitamix blends everything to a lovely, smooth, frosty consistency.

Enter New York Cheesecake Ice Cream.  So. Very.  Delicious. It's a little more time consuming, as I make the mixture first, then freeze it in ice cube trays.  Then I take the frozen cubes and blend them.  But overall, you still have about five minutes of actual effort. It provides the perfect ice creamy goodness that I literally dream about all day as I am eating kale and quinuoa and doing burpees and mountain climbers.

Vitamix New York Cheesecake Ice Cream

16 ounces fresh strawberries, washed and trimmed
1 tablespoon sugar

2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup sugar

Blend the strawberries and the tablespoon of sugar together in the Vitamix until pureed.  You may strain the liquid if you like.  Pour into a small container and refrigerate.

After cleaning the blender, blend together the cream cheese, cream, milk, vanilla, and sugar until smooth.  Poor into two ice cube trays and freeze for at least 4 hours.

When ready to serve, take one of the trays of the mixture and put it into the blender.  On high speed, and using the tamper, blend the cubes until creamy.  Add the other tray and continue to blend and tamp down, until you have a smooth, creamy consistency, much like soft serve.  Serve with several tablespoons of the strawberry puree drizzled over the top.  Serves 6.

Don't have a Vitamix?  No worries, just use a regular blender and pour the mixture into your ice cream maker.  Or make popsicles, marbling together the cream cheese mixture and the strawberry puree. Or just pour it into a container and freeze as is.  Let it thaw on the container a bit as you eat dinner, or even throw it in the microwave for a bit to make it easier to spoon.  You won't have the same divine texture as the Vitamix provides, but it will still be delicious!

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