Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Perfect Roasted Chicken Breasts

I've been married for almost 12 years.  I have spent most of those 12 years trying to perfect chicken breasts.  Chicken seems to be an integral part of almost every recipe, and if it's done wrong, it's just not good.  Overcooked--chewy, stringy, dry.  Undercooked--food poisoning.  Always erring on the side of not making anyone sick, my chicken used to invariably end up overcooked.

The litmus test to the success of my chicken is Ken's reaction. Early in our marriage, he used to wait until halfway through the meal to get up from the table and get the barbeque sauce that he uses to moisten my chicken.  Then he started to put it on the table before we even sat down.  He thinks I don't notice.  But I do.  It's the highest form of insult!

Then I figured it out!  And the result is the most succulent, flavorful chicken with crispy skin, that is perfect every single time.  I made it last night.  I'm happy to report that the barbeque sauce sat on the table...untouched.  Hooray for me!

The kids like it, especially the crispy skin.  Elizabeth asked for more skin about three times.  Finally, I said, "You can't eat so much skin, E!"  She said, "Why not?  It's delicious!"  Why not, indeed!

Perfect Roast Chicken Breasts

4 split chicken breasts, bone-in, skin on
2 cups dry white wine
salt, pepper, herbs de provence
olive oil

Arrange chicken breasts skin side up in a 9 X 13 baking dish.  Pour wine in the bottom of the dish.  If you don't want to use wine, use chicken broth. Or a combo of the two!

Drizzle with olive oil.  Season generously with salt, pepper, and herbs de provence.

If you are feeling crazy, use a bigger dish and add baby carrots, quartered onions, and baby potatoes!

Bake at 425 degrees for 45-60 minutes, until a thermometer registers 165 degrees.

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