Monday, February 25, 2013

Quick Quesadillas and Fresh Salsa

This time of year I really miss tomatoes from my garden.  All juicy and bright red, bursting with flavor.  One cannot replicate the taste of a garden tomato.  Especially at the end of February in Chicago.

The choices at the store range from hard and light pink, to somewhat red and mealy.  And then there are the perfectly red ones with the vine still attached, standing out like an amazing beautiful tomato oasis against all the poor comparisons.  They look pretty darn good and tasty, and are whispering to me, "Buy me!  Buy me!"  Then I look at the price and my dreams are shattered.  I usually sigh and walk away.  Disgruntled.  Elizabeth asks, "Mama, why are you mad at the tomatoes?"

This past week at my favorite market, it seemed like they had an abundance of these sinful red tomatoes on the vine, which I was sure were there just to taunt me.  I almost walked past them, but I stopped to check the price.  Expensive?  Not nearly as much as usual.  Hmmm.  I felt like someone had mismarked them.  So I did what any normal person would do.  I grabbed a plastic bag and filled it to the brim with luscious tomatoes.

Once I made it through the checkout line and it was confirmed that yes, that was the price, I allowed myself to think of all the wonderful possibilities.  Caprese salad?  Definitely.  BLT?  Uh, yes please.  But it was the homemade salsa I envisioned that really made my mouth water.  Everything about it says summer, and fresh, and well, deliciousness.

I needed something to go with my salsa.  In the spirit of not stuffing my face with junk, I wanted to steer clear of eating the entire bag of Tostitos with my healthy salsa.  I kept coming back to simple quesadillas, with just enough cheesy goodness to satisfy my junk craving, but packed with veggies and chicken as well.  My lunch was decided, and it was pretty darn good.  It will be warmer soon, right?!?

Quick Quesadillas

1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 onion, chopped
1 bell pepper (use whichever color you prefer), chopped
1 cooked chicken breast, cubed
Shredded monteray jack cheese
2 flour tortillas
1 pat of butter

In a saute pan over medium heat, saute onions in olive oil until golden, about 5 minutes, then add pepper and continue sauteing until peppers are just tender, about 3 minutes more.  Add cooked chicken cubes and heat through.  Pour contents of pan into bowl and wipe pan clean with a paper towel.  Melt pat of butter in pan, place one tortilla in the pan, top with pepper, onion and chicken mixture.  I add just enough shredded cheese to keep the quesadilla together when it melts.  (I could easily add the entire bag of shredded cheese, but honestly, the veggies really shine when not drowning in cheese!  I promise....).  Slap another tortilla on top and let the bottom brown, about 3 minutes, then flip over to the other side and let brown, about 2 minutes more.  Serve with homemade salsa.

Fresh Salsa

One bunch of cilantro
Juice of 2 limes
1/2 onion
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and membrane removed
1 teaspoon salt
6 large red tomatoes

In food processor, combine onion, pepper, cilantro, lime juice, salt.  Process until chunky.  Then add three of the tomatoes.  Pulse until just combined and the tomatoes have broken down.  Do not over process.  Cut the remaining tomatoes in a small dice and fold into your mixture.  Adjust seasonings if necessary.

Note:  One jalapeno, seeded and with the membrane removed, make a pretty mild salsa.  Leave in the seeds and membrane if you want more heat.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Icy Bellinis

We all knew it was just a matter of time until I turned my Vitamix to the dark side.  And nothing says Saturday like killing a bottle of champagne before noon.  Harry's Bar, you ain't got nothin' on me!

Icy Bellinis

16 oz package of frozen peaches
1/3 cup sugar

Using tamper, blend frozen peaches and sugar until all mixed.  Fill glasses half full with your peach sorbet.  Top with champagne and stir a bit until mixed.  YUM.

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